Atchison High School Senior Service Project Gets Merry

The Atchison community received its share of Christmas cheer thanks to a local high schooler. As part of a service project for National Honor Society, high school senior, Julia Fassero, contacted our Atchison Emergency Assistance Center (EAC) manager, Holly Black, to help determine specific community needs.

Julia enlisted the help of students from St. Benedict’s elementary school to create tags for each of these wish list items. These tags were displayed in four area churches–St. Benedict, Sacred Heart, St. Patrick, and St. Joseph–where parishioners helped purchase the items that will be delivered to area families in time for Christmas.  Julia coordinated the project start to finish and was pleased with the results.

She added,”People were calling to ask ‘how can I give more?’ It’s shown me how generous the people in our parishes are. I’m so grateful.”

Pictured above: High school senior, Julia Fassero, poses with a portion of the gifts she helped collect for the Atchison community. 

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