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Hope Stories

St. Rita Program Helps Nurse Fulfill Her Passion

April’s desire to become a nurse began when she was 20 years old. A supply clerk in a nursing home, she dreamt she was


Bill’s Hope Story: Prayers Are Answered

The Mistake that Wasn’t a Mistake—Family Support Center Hope Story

Mediatrice’s Hope Story (New Roots for Refugees)

Catholic Charities Volunteer ‘Makes it Fun for the Team’

Walmart Grant- Sam’s Hope Story

Walmart Grant — Hope Story During COVID-19

Jim and Dee’s Hope Story: Volunteering Leads to Friendship

Adoption Hope Story: A Story of Love

Mary’s Hope Story: Becoming Financially Stable

Brent’s Story — St. Rita Program Highlight

VITA Program Renews Hope and Eases Burdens

Prayer for a More Generous Heart Leads to Major Gift

We help our neighbors in need move from a place of needing help to one of having hope.

Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas serves the most vulnerable men, women and children of all faiths across 21 counties. We provide innovative programs and solutions that stabilize and strengthen individuals and families to have hope for the future. Follow us to stay up to date.