Respect Life Services
We value the dignity of life starting with our founding program, adoption.

Respecting Human Dignity
Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas is committed to supporting young families, mothers and babies through our Pregnancy and Adoption programs. Older adults feel a sense of purpose as they make a difference in the lives of younger generations through our Foster Grandparent Program. Every person deserves a dignified life full of love and hope for a positive future.
Respect Life Services
Pregnancy Support Services
Foster Grandparent Program
Expectant Parents
Adoptive Families

About Us
Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas serves the most vulnerable men, women and children of all faiths across 21 counties. A ministry of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, we provide innovative programs and solutions that stabilize and strengthen individuals and families, moving them from a place of needing help to one of having hope.

Family Stabilization
We help stabilize lives through our Family Support Centers, Rural Outreach, Refugee Services and more.

Family Strengthening
We assist in strengthening our communities through diverse programs in financial education, community services and food programs.

Respect Life Services
We value the dignity of life starting with our founding program, adoption.