It’s that time of year when the temperature drops down and the tree goes up. It’s twinkling lights and jingle bells. It’s when children across the globe hang their stockings and carefully pen their wish list. It can be a magical time of the year.
But, for families struggling financially, Christmas can also be an especially difficult time of year. At Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, we are so grateful for the community and parish support we have received to help make Christmas just a little brighter for our neighbors in need.
The Stockings Were Hung…
Students from the Religious Education program at Sacred Heart Parish in Emporia recognized that “stockings” are necessary all year long. The team of kids collected brand new men’s and women’s socks in assorted colors and sizes. Included with each pair of socks was a small holiday treat and a handwritten note of encouragement for the recipient. Over 80 pairs of socks were donated and distributed on our Mobile Resource Bus which helps reach our rural neighbors in need of the basic essentials.
The Children Were Nestled All Snug in Their Beds…
Members from Jeanne’s Place dedicated their group’s project as a donation to the Catholic Charities’ Christmas Store. Jeanne’s Place is an organization in which volunteers organize activities for people with Alzheimer’s disease. Together, they assembled 25 “Snuggle Packs” that included hand-tied fleece blankets, a book and stuffed toy animal. For the participants, the joy in making these gifts is equivalent to the joy for those who receive them.
With a Sleigh Full of Toys – and Food and Clothing and Hygiene Products….
Again this year, business owners and individuals in the Leavenworth community came together to donate items for the Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas’ Christmas Adoption Program. Through their generosity, 77 local families’ Christmas will be a little brighter. Over 300 individuals received basic necessities, such as food and clothing. Personal hygiene products like toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo, laundry detergent and diapers were also gifted. These items are crucial in helping our neighbors in need maintain the dignity they deserve.