Volunteers Are Essential Part of the TurnStyles Ministry- Hope Hero Shout Out!

Like other retail stores, our TurnStyles Thrift locations closed in March in response to the pandemic. One by one, each of the stores has successfully re-opened – a feat that could only be accomplished with the help of a mighty group of volunteers.

Volunteers played a key role in preparing the three stores for reopening, implementing many of the new safety measures throughout the store. They created wider spacing to ensure social distancing for shoppers, organized the sales floor, sorted and tagged donations. “They have taken the majority of the workload onto their shoulders,” says David Brewer, Manager at the TurnStyles Mission location.

“They have made a huge impact, and helped our staff with a workload that would have been impossible without their help.”

In the weeks since the stores have reopened, volunteers have processed through tens of thousands of donated items. “They do it all with joy, passion and care with which they always do it, and this is an effort that cannot be earned or repaid,” adds David.

The volunteers at TurnStyles take pride in a job well done. They want to offer a dignified shopping experience for customers. Also, they are driven by the fact that the money raised from store sales benefits the many ministries of Catholic Charities.

Linda Kilgore, Manager at TurnStyles on 135th in Overland Park, feels blessed every day to be able to work right beside her volunteers. She says, “I have a group of committed, faithful, and kind hearted volunteers. They are priceless.”

Usually, TurnStyles relies on 475 volunteers each month. Due to COVID, there are currently only 175 active volunteers. “Volunteers are essential in keeping our thrift stores up and running. We have ensured new safety measures to help keep our volunteers, customers and staff safe, such as wearing masks, cleaning carts and the stores, and installing a Plexiglas barrier at the cash register,” says Cari Olberding, Volunteer Coordinator. “We are grateful for the volunteers who are willing to serve during this difficult time.”

All three TurnStyles locations are in need of volunteers to help process donations, hang/tag clothing, price housewares, organize the store floor and serve as cashiers. To help, go to: https://catholiccharitiesks.org/covid-volunteering/

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