New Roots for Refugees Farm Share is a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program that provides subscribers with 5-7 locally-grown, seasonal vegetables and herbs each week (AKA a “share”). Produce in each share is grown by farmers currently in our 4-year training program as well as graduates of the program. Shares are picked up weekly, beginning May 10th and ending October 12th, at one of four pick-up sites around the greater Kansas City area.
New Roots offers different share and pricing options. Payment can be made in advance or in installments and helps to provide capital for the farmers, for things such as seeds and tools ahead of the growing season. By purchasing a Farm Share you are supporting the training and establishment of multiple farmers in the Kansas City area!
To learn more or to purchase a Farm Share, please visit our website. You can also reach out to Morgan Murphy, New Roots Sales Coordinator.