Our Adoption Program Team has been working with a birth mother, Quida, for several months. Answering questions and available whenever she called, texted or dropped by our office to chat. We found out she had concerns about potential complications with her pregnancy. In the last few months, we have been able to assist her with access to medical care, transportation assistance, pregnancy counseling, information about the adoption process, connection to the forever family she chose, and support along the way. She has asked us to pray for her several times – praying for her baby, the forever family, for a healthy delivery, and for no complications.
For our team, it has been such a blessing to be part of the entire process. Earlier this month, Quida delivered her healthy baby boy and signed relinquishment paperwork a few days later to the child’s forever family. Quida shared, “Your team made me feel so comfortable and helped me through so many ups and downs throughout my pregnancy. I’m so thankful you were by my side.” Our team feels very blessed and honored to play a small part in this miracle and to experience the hope and joy present for everyone involved.