Friendly Visitor
Denise and Rose Marie Friendly Visitor Hope Story

Rose Marie is 89 years old and confined to her bed. Her daughter, Denise, called our local Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas Office and asked about our Friendly Visitors Program.  Denise is her mother’s primary caregiver and has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.  Denise was due to have surgery the following week and wanted to know if a Friendly Visitor would call her mother in her absence.

Denise had made arrangements for nursing care but wanted her mother to have phone calls from a compassionate volunteer in her absence.  After Denise’s surgery she would need to rest and recover in another home where it would be peaceful and quiet and she would not feel pressured to care for her mother.  Our Friendly Visitor Team was able to pair Rose Marie with Cynthia, a Friendly Visitor volunteer, that very afternoon and this brought comfort to both mother and daughter before Denise’s brain surgery.

Interested in learning more about our Friendly Visitor program?

For more information, reach out to:

Amybeth Richardson
716 North 5th Street
Leavenworth, KS 66048
913-651-8060 x 1708
[email protected]

Marilyn Thomas
Topeka, KS
785.233.6300 x1313
[email protected]

Betsy Holzworth, RN, BSN, MA
Johnson County, KS
[email protected]

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