August 2024 Catholic Social Teaching: Dignity of the Human Person

“The Lord’s acts of mercy are not exhausted; his compassion is not spent; they are renewed each morning – great is your faithfulness.” (Lamentations 3:22-23)

Each day the Lord provides new grace and opportunities for each of us to corde audire or listen with the heart as St. Augustine so fondly encouraged. It is imperative that we begin our day growing in right relationship with Christ and in silence, to hear what Jesus desires to share with us each day. 

By being rooted in right relationship with Christ, it will reorient our relationships with ourselves, creation and others. To actively develop a listening heart by giving space to the other, replacing judgment with curiosity and opening our posture, we can avoid the pitfalls of interruption or waiting for the other person to finish speaking in order to impose our point of view. This great gift of listening, that we extend to another, can aid us in building a culture of dialogue, trust and aid in the restoration of dignity of each human person. 

Morning Prayer

Credit: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) 

Loving God, give us hearts that listen for your word.
Let us imitate the Good Samaritan, who does not turn away from suffering.

Help us listen.

May we listen to those who struggle daily for dignity.

Let us hear your voice in the stories of those on the margins.

Help us always see what binds us together as sisters and brothers.

Help us to heal.

May we be willing to stand in the place of others.

Let us be open to differences that we may arrive at understanding.

Help us to seek reconciliation that our world may reflect justice.

Help us respond.

May our faith move us to action in the public square.

Let us work with others of good will, finding solutions together.
Help us exercise political charity, seeking the common good and dignity for all.

Lord, give us the courage to trust in your hand guiding us.

Give us the courage to respond like the Good Samaritan, setting aside divisions to attend to the needs of the other. May we know and see your love present in our communities, made real in the ways we love one another.


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