Senior woman calculating taxes at home, using calculator and laptop, closeup

The anticipation of a tax refund can be exciting. Actually filing your taxes to get that refund can be nerve-racking. Fortunately, Catholic Charities’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program can help take the stress out of filing taxes.

Through the VITA program, IRS-certified volunteers prepare both state and federal taxes for those who meet a household income of $56,000 or less. In addition to helping file their taxes, Catholic Charities can also help clients manage an expected refund.

“For those people we prepare taxes for who also utilize some of our other services, like Family Financial Transformations™ (FFT) or the Kansas Loan Pool Project (KLPP), we can help them set up a budget plan for their refund,” said Amelia Reyes, Senior Director of Asset Development at Catholic Charities. “It might be to get out of debt or to save for a future goal.”

Last year, through the VITA program, nearly 700 state and federal tax returns were prepared amounting to over $336,000 in refunds distributed. The VITA program is offered by appointment at the Catholic Charities offices in Atchison, Lawrence, and Leavenworth as well through the Mobile Resource Bus in Emporia, Hiawatha, Holton and Osage City.

Learn more about VITA or discover more financial education programs with Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas.

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