Hope Notes – July 2017 – E-Newsletter

Emma’s Hope Story

Emma struggled for years with substaScreen Shot 2017-07-31 at 1.26.10 PMnce abuse, so much so, that she lost custody of her children for two years. Upon their return, she became more determined than ever to turn her life around. She knew she couldn’t do it, however, without help.

She visited one of our Emergency Assistance Centers and met with a case manager. She began participating in our Rapid Rehousing Program designed to help those who are at risk for, or who are experiencing homelessness, gain permanent housing.

Finding housing was not the end of the story for Emma. As part of the comprehensive housing program, she also received important financial education coaching and classes.
She improved her money management/budgeting skills and even opened up a bank account. For the first time in her life, she had a stable job and paid her bills in-full and on-time.

Although she was feeling proud about her accomplishments, she didn’t realize the impact until one day when one of her children came home from school and said, “Mom, our house has a smell.” Emma responded, “What? Our house stinks?” Her child replied, “No, our house has a smell. When I’m at school and I smell my sweatshirt, it smells like home.”

Emma teared up as she shared this story with her case manager. Giving her children a place to call home was something she had never been able to do. Someday, she hopes to pay it forward by giving back to another family in need.

Reser’s Supports Topeka Community Through Catholic Charities

Hope Hero Shout Out!

Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 1.28.21 PMReser’s Fine Foods is well­known for its potato salad, macaroni salad and coleslaw. But there’s more to the food manufacturer. Although headquartered in Oregon, it’s a company with deep Topeka roots, dedicated to helping those struggling throughout Shawnee County.

Reser’s recently awarded a $2,000 grant to Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas. The funds are earmarked to help those served by the organization’s Topeka Emergency Assistance Center (EAC). In addition, several hundred pounds of high quality Reser’s products were donated to its food pantry. Last fiscal year, Catholic Charities provided food assistance over 48,000 times to individuals and families in need in the community.

“We’re proud to help great organizations like Catholic Charities in the community where we live and work,” says Jeremy Harvey of Reser’s.
“Topeka, and the people they help, are in a much better place because of the work Catholic Charities is doing to get people out of poverty.”

Catholic Charities relies on partnerships and donor support to help carry out its mission of providing not only emergency assistance, but programs and services that will lead to self-sufficiency.

“We appreciate Reser’s generosity, and admire their commitment to giving back to the community where their plants operate,” says Ken Williams, CEO, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, adding that the organization works with companies to make sure their charitable dollars stay with the program or location that matters most to them.


Station wagons, race cars. panel vans­­­whatever the shape of your vehicle, it fits perfectly here at Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas.Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 1.29.53 PM

Vehicle donations help support our mission of helping families right here in our community. Donate your vehicle and we’ll take care of the heavy lifting and paperwork too!

Get more information on our website!


Parish Volunteers Feed the Hungry

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Our Lady of Unity parishioner fills a bag with food to distribute to those in need.

Hunger doesn’t take a vacation ­­and neither do our volunteers!

This summer, Catholic Charities has been blessed with the support of our volunteers from parishes across the archdiocese. From sorting food in our warehouse, to packing lunches for the Kids Summer Food program, to distributing groceries at our Mobile Food Distribution, these volunteers answered the call to feed the hungry in a variety of ways.

“I believe in the mission of Catholic Charities and am encouraged by the work they do in our community. Food is one of our most basic needs and yet so many must do without.” said St Michael the Archangel parishioner and volunteer, Jane Rall.

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ABOVE: Volunteers representing Holy Trinity, Prince of Peace and St. Michael the Archangel parishes helped assemble lunches to be served on site of the Kids Summer Food Program.

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St. Michael the Archangel volunteers help distribute food.

“We are grateful our family could volunteer in just this small way,” adds Rall. “We are also

glad to work side­by­side with our Companions in Faith. Such a simple way to live out the Gospel to love and serve others.”

To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available, visit us online at:

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Volunteers from St. John Paul II help sort food at our Hope Distribution Center.


To learn more about the volunteer opportunities available, visit us online!


World Refugee Day Celebrates New Beginnings

Screen Shot 2017-07-31 at 3.56.38 PMIt’s hard to start over. It’s even more difficult when it involves a new country, a new language and well, a new way of doing just about everything.

Every June, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas participates in World Refugee Day. This year’s celebration was highlighted by cultural performances from individuals, families, and groups from Burma to the Congo ­­ and so many places in between. Members of the refugee community also shared stories, cuisine and music from their homeland as well as their hopes for a new life in the United States.

“World Refugee Day is a day that commemorates the strength and resilience of refugees from across the globe,” says Kasey Featherston, MPA, Refugee Learning Center Coordinator. “At Catholic Charities, we also take it as an opportunity to celebrate the courage and contributions of refugees in our Kansas City community.”

Watch on our YouTube Channel.


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We help our neighbors in need move from a place of needing help to one of having hope.

Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas serves the most vulnerable men, women and children of all faiths across 21 counties. We provide innovative programs and solutions that stabilize and strengthen individuals and families to have hope for the future. Follow us to stay up to date.