Deshaun’s Hope Story is in the form of a thank you note he wrote when he was a Shalom House Men’s Shelter guest. This letter reminds us of the hope our over 1200 volunteers a month provide our neighbors in need. For more than 30 years, Shalom House has offered shelter and hospitality to homeless men in Kansas City, Kansas. Originally started as a Catholic Worker House, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas assumed operation of the house in 2008. Deshaun shared, “My life has changed because of my time as a guest at Shalom. Thank you for caring, for giving me back my dignity, for showing me how to care for myself.”
Each day, Shalom House opens its doors to 25 men, like Deshaun, of all faiths in need of shelter, food and companionship. Thanks to all our Hope Makers who volunteer their time, provide nightly meals, support us in prayer and assist with generous donations to keep The Shalom House’s lights shining brightly.