Bernard is a neighbor in need. He is someone that one of our staff met on a day off near her neighborhood. They struck up a conversation in the parking lot of a big box store and a friendship began. That was several months ago and many conversations have taken place in various places in their suburban city. Fast forward to today, Bernard just received a brand new walker with a backpack attachment from Catholic Community Hospice, a ministry of Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas, because of Leah and her compassion.
Our Hospice Home Health Aide, Leah Laing, gives us a peek into her friendship with Bernard:
I have been unable to find Bernard for the past three weeks, but God answered my prayers when I finally was able to locate him!! He has had major surgery on his back and continues to suffer in pain as he recovers. This man walks miles every day in excruciating pain so that he can eat. He is a hero!!!
I met him at McDonald’s today and he had a quarter pounder waiting for me. I couldn’t believe that he bought me food when he has so little himself….
About four weeks ago he told me that he needed to find a walker that had sturdy wheels.
At Catholic Community Hospice, we are blessed with the most precious and amazing patients and their families. Our staff knows it is an honor and a blessing to be able to extend God’s mercy beyond what He already showers upon us every single day!! We look for ways to pay it forward in our community. When our team found out that my friend, Bernard, needed a walker, we collected funds to purchase him one.
Just look at the smile on Bernard’s face! He was as excited as a little boy on Christmas morning. I couldn’t help but share in his joy.
God bless this man! Thank you God, for blessing all of us with opportunities to be your love in action to our neighbors in need!!