Feature Image - Annual Report 2014



Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas strives to dispense help and Hope to those we serve. In 2014, the agency focused on expanding Hope across its 21-county footprint in Northeast Kansas. Catholic Charities expanded the number of permanent locations to 9 Emergency Assistance Centers to help feed the hungry, clothe the naked, house the homeless and console the lonely. The agency also launched a second mobile resource bus to offer consistent services to rural counties that do not have a permanent Emergency Assistance Center location. The successful geographic and program expansion can be attributed to the strength and support of our donors and volunteer organization. Catholic Charities expanded its participation, reach and involvement of its volunteers and community partners. Through engagement with parishes, youth groups, community organizations and companies that have a heart for serving, Catholic Charities was and continues to be blessed and committed to dispensing Hope to its brothers and sisters in need through every stage of life.

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Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas serves the most vulnerable men, women and children of all faiths across 21 counties. We provide innovative programs and solutions that stabilize and strengthen individuals and families to have hope for the future. Follow us to stay up to date.